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Policies and Information


Parent Participation


It is important to understand that this is a cooperative effort on the part of the parents, their children, and the instructors. We will not be able to continue if one element is missing. As a true co-op, participants are required to take part in the entire program.


Each child attending LIFT TEAM must be accompanied by a parent or designated chaperone who must remain on site for the entire time the child is in attendance. If your child is chaperoned at any time, you must let the leadership team know who the chaperone is, and give them contact information for that chaperone. Please note that any disciplinary issues will be reported to both the chaperone and the parent at the time of incident. 


Parental volunteering is required. This is necessary to facilitate proper volunteer staffing. "Volunteer" work includes but is not limited to co-teacher, assistant, nursery, or clean up duties in the education building and gym. This Co-Op does not exist without parents being committed to it. If each parent does their share, the work is easy.  You may assist in the classes that your student is enrolled in, or you may choose another class during that time slot.  We strive to have more than one assistant in each classroom to ensure there is a back-up in the case of an absence.


We believe that the ultimate responsibility for education of children belongs to the parents. (Deuteronomy 4:9, 4:14, 6:1-25; Ephesians 6:4) Thus, we believe this is an inalienable right given by God, which the State cannot create, destroy nor alter. Parents may allow another to teach some cognitive information that children need to know, but all education must be under the control and supervision of the parents. LIFT TEAM does not replace the parent’s role in home education. Co-Op is for enrichment or an hour of instruction added to home study.


“Nothing is so contagious as example.” La Rochefoucauld





LIFT TEAM participants will be placed on an e-mail list, which will be our main source of communication. Members are responsible for reading their e-mails to learn important announcements related to Co-Op. If a technical problem occurs please let one of the Leadership team know so that telephone arrangements can be made.  If your contact information changes, please let us know so that we can update our records. We now have a Facebook page where information, school closings, and pictures are shared. We love to see pictures and hear how your day went!   Please “like” our page at for updates.


During Co-Op hours, you can find a member of leadership in the LIFT Team Office.

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